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AutoMorph Cell® Imager(AMCI)

Redefining Automated Cell Culture Monitoring

In the rapidly advancing field of cell therapy, ensuring consistent and precise monitoring of cell cultures is critical. Traditional optical microscopy often struggles to meet the demands of automated environments due to mechanical switching, sample repositioning, and limited multimodal capabilities. The AutoMorph Cell Imager, powered by the innovative Programoptics paradigm and leveraging advanced spatial light modulators (SLMs), addresses these challenges by delivering a revolutionary solution for cell culture monitoring in automated production lines.

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Redefining Automated Cell Culture Monitoring

In the rapidly advancing field of cell therapy, ensuring consistent and precise monitoring of cell cultures is critical. Traditional optical microscopy often struggles to meet the demands of automated environments due to mechanical switching, sample repositioning, and limited multimodal capabilities. The AutoMorph Cell Imager, powered by the innovative Programoptics paradigm and leveraging advanced spatial light modulators (SLMs), addresses these challenges by delivering a revolutionary solution for cell culture monitoring in automated production lines.

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Performance Showcase

 ADSC Images 


ADSC Phase Scan PC Images 

Prostate Cancer Images 

(DF, PC, DIC, Fused Image)

 ADSC Images (BF, DF, PC, DIC)

ADSC Phase Scan PC Images 

Prostate Cancer Images 

(DF, PC, DIC, Fused Image)

Real-Time Recording of Exosome Brownian Motion

The Relationship Between GLCM Contrast and Phase 

Optimal Proportion Analysis of Fused Images

Software UI and Simultaneous Displaying 4 Modes(BF, DF, PC, DIC) of Images of The Same ROI

Software UI and Simultaneous Displaying 4 Modes(DF, DIC, PC, Fused Image) of Images of The Same ROI

Real-Time Recording of Exosome Brownian Motion

The Relationship Between GLCM Contrast and Phase 

Optimal Proportion Analysis of Fused Images

Software UI and Simultaneous Displaying 

4 Modes of Images 

of The Same ROI

Software UI and Simultaneous Displaying 

4 Modes of Images 

of The Same ROI